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Use of Astrology in Life
14.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Consult Dr Rajesh Verma to get Spiritual Guidance related to:
A Bright FutureA Happy FamilyA Dream CareerWorry Free Married LifeA Successful RelationshipHealth, Wealth and WisdomIdeal ExistenceContact for Astro Consultation if you want to:
- ♈ Know about other Men/Women in the life of your Wife/Husband/Lover.
- ♉ Get your Love/Rights/Status back.
- ♊ Progress according to your potential.
- ♋ Avoid Politics and Competition in the Office.
- ♌ March ahead of Your competitors.
- ♍ Get what you think You Deserve
- ♎ Excel in the field of Education / Business / Money-matters
- ♏ Groom your Children in the right way.
- ♐ Realize your long-cherished Love-affair
- ♑ Keep peace on Personal Front and in Marital Relations.
- ♒ Live a Healthy Life Happily and without ailments.
- ♓ Remove other Men/Women away from your Wife/Husband/Lover.
Consult Dr Rajesh Verma to know the answers of important questions:
- Who am I?
- Why am I here?
- What is in my Future?
- What is my Life-Path?
- Who will be my Partners in this arduous journey of Life.
- Can I do something Good for the World?
- How many Women/Men/Partners are there in my Life?
- How will be 2021, 2022 and then 2023 and beyond for me?
- Do I need Spiritual Remedies to ameliorate in Life?
According to Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma, Astrology can help you in finding answers to the following questions to a large extent:
- Will I learn from my current relationship to evolve and open my heart-chakra ?
- Will I fulfill my destiny on earth this time round?
- Will I get another baby?
- Will my affair end in marriage?
- Will my favourite team win this match?
- When will I marry my beloved?
- Will my ailments end?
- When will I get married?
- Is my husband/wife happy in our marriage?
- Is my Lover happy in our relationship?
- How shall I deal with my partner?
- Who will win: my favourite team or the team I donot like?
- Will I have a long-term relationship with the person I am currently in love with?
- Will we continue a romantic relationship?
- What is my correct birth-time? YES, It can be certained by Bith-time-rectification.
- Will I be able to make more money this year so that i can buy what I want?
- Is there a chance of a romantic relationship with either of these men/women?
- Is my husband/wife deceiving me?
- Should I continue or end this relationship I am in for a few years?
- Is there the possibility of a romantic partnership in the future with the man/woman I am currently in love with?
- Will my partner buy a new car within a month?
- Should I be in this relationship?
- Does he/she love me?
- Will I be lucky in gambling in the near future?
- Will I have one more baby?
- Will I go to the City of my dreams this summer?
- Will I be dating anyone within 6 months?
- Does my partner love me?
- Will my income increase in the near future?
- Will I and a former lover come back together in the future?
- Is the relationship really over or will he/she return?
- What are the reasons behind the problems in our lives such as poverty, illness etc.?
- How can I get peace and happiness from my relations?
- Which relatives of mine can betray me?
- What type of people should I avoid to have a smooth and fulfilling life?
- What type of people should I embrace to have a peaceful and prosperous life?
Article Last Updated on - 05.02.2025
Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation