Astrologer of Astrologers
Mobile and Whatsapp: +91 7678626422
Studied 49155 Horoscopes so far.
08.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
What is Astrology
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
First of all I welcome you to my Website. You are definitely in some sort of trouble at present, otherwise you might not have reached here. I assure you that you have reached the right place. I assure you that with all my knowledge, prowess and powers I will try to help you out. Its not a coincidence that you are reading these lines. Your destiny has driven you here. Lets hope for the best.
Astrology or horosCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
11.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
About Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist and Vaastuvid Dr Rajesh Verma
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Dr Rajesh Verma is a celebrated Astrologer Numerologist and Palmist with Extremely Accurate Astrological Horoscope Readings, Observations and Predictions.
Dr Rajesh Verma has nearly 40 years of experience in Astrology, Numerology and Palmistry. He started analysing Horoscopes at a tender age of Eleven, way back in 1982 and turned a Professional Astrologer in 1984, though minting money was never his aim. HeCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
14.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Use of Astrology in Life
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Consult Dr Rajesh Verma to get Spiritual Guidance related to:
A Bright FutureA Happy FamilyA Dream CareerCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
16.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Contact Astrologer of Astrologers
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & VaastuvidDr Rajesh VermaMD(Ep), MBA, LLB, BA(Eng. Elective), BA(Hindi)Jyotish Maharshi, Jyotish Shastri, Jyotish PrabhakarVaastu Maharshi, CE(Palmistry), CE(REIKI-1, USUI SHIKI RYOHO)
No Drama of Reading or Predictions. Specific Solutions to Particular Problems
♈ ♉ ♊ ♋
Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
20.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
How to Live with Our Fears
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Today, the contribution of quantum physics and the latest cutting-edge scientific research tend to corroborate the fact that the intangible and the tangible are sometimes linked. To pay no attention to this discipline would be like saying that the Earth is completely separate from the rest of the solar system, and that the stars do not affect the earth from an astronomical point of view. I think there is a lot of feCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
23.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
How Astrology Influences our Lives
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Astrology is the study of the effects of planetary forces on humans. It is not divination. It is one of the best methods man has for learning who he is, where he came from and where he is going. Astrology reveals the PERSONALITY and the latter paves the way to our destiny. If a man can change his personality, then he can change his destiny. The main use of astrology is to anticipate health problems, analyze the persoCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
26.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
The Importance of the Free Will
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Remember that good or so-called bad setups are not the result of luck, but are the product of our previous actions - the horoscope shows what we got from our previous lives and what we can so wait for the present. What we lack in life can be acquired in the future with goodwill. The stars incite but do not force. As Goethe, the great mystic would say, “For each power that binds the world, Man frees himself by contrCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
29.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
How does a Birth Chart Work?
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
There are three vectors that can lead us to the mystical message of the stars - the Houses, the signs and the planets. Each House represents an area of life, the signs are divisions of the paradises which, according to the position of the houses, indicate our type, temperament and our attitude and the planets are the messengers of God who bring opportunities for the evolution of our soul which we need for our iCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
01.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
How will be Next Few Years
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Will there be something to celebrate in 2022 and then in 2023 and beyond? In the midst of the second and third waves of Covid-19 and the social and economic consequences caused by the global pandemic, the year 2020 will remain for many An YEAR - at least - Complicated. Not to say downright rotten. Between stress and anxiety about the disease, compulsory confinements and high social tensions, even the most Cartesian cCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
05.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
What does the Bible say about astrology
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
The Bible has a lot to say about the stars. Most basic to our understanding of the stars is that God created them. They show their power and majesty. The heavens are "the work of his hands" (Psalm 8:3; 19:1). God has numbered and named all the stars (Psalm 147:4).
The Bible also teaches that God arranged the stars in recognizable groups that we call constellations. The Bible mentions three of them: Orion, theCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
08.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Astrology across Continents
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Vedic, Western, Lal-Kitab, Druidic, Tibetan, African, Aztec or even Kabbalist… So many astrological practices are to be discovered around the world. What are the origins of this discipline and what are its different faces? Immediate boarding across various continents.
It all started in Mesopotamia, almost five thousand years ago. The first texts on astrology date from this distant era. Sun, moon, stars, plaCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation
11.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Tibetan Astrology: Cause and Effect Links
For Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma at +91 7678626422.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Tibetan astrology is inspired by Buddhism (and more precisely by the Tibetan religion of "Bön", dating from the pre-Buddhist period). This Asian astrology comes from two currents: Hindu astrology and Chinese astrology . Karma is one of its foundations. Thus, who sows the wind, reaps the storm (every act has consequences). If the causal link is dear to this Tibetan discipline, the stars have of course a place in theiCall or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation