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03.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Zodiac Signs
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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The Zodiac has an impact on all areas of life: love, friendship, career ... And each astrological sign has its specificities, whether in terms of character traits or types of personality. Whether you want to change jobs, to know what type of friend you are according to your astro sign, to recognize the most unfaithful astro signs or to know which are the most common neuroses according to your zodiac sign : discover eCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
06.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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One of the most dominant personality traits of Aries is without a doubt their go-getter side. Its niche? Act first and then think about it. In some situations, this impulsiveness can prove beneficial, but most of the time it leads to more disaster than anything else. But with age, the ram will settle down even if it will not lose its legendary ardor.
Another thing that is legendary about this sign: its formiCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
09.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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The bull is not a wacky, delusional, or exuberant personality. Even if he appreciates being surrounded by unique people, this sign likes the simple things. He knows how to appreciate and notice the small pleasures of everyday life. Having a coffee on the terrace, sunbathing, reading a story to his children or going to the cinema is enough for his happiness. He doesn't like gaudy and bling-bling things, he's a lover oCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
11.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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A sign of the air, Gemini is a very versatile jack of all trades. He may as well enjoy mountain biking, painting, reading or sculpture. Its versatility allows it to face any type of situation by blending in perfectly with the surroundings.Influenced by Mercury, this sign is very open to communication. He likes to write, speak, exchange and learn: he is always thirsty for knowledge.
Open-minded, he has a fairCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
15.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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Cancer is a water sign that is particularly related to his feelings and emotions. For him, living is above all listening and following his heart constantly. Even if it is a thoughtful sign, he will always let himself be guided by his emotions and his instinct, before his logic and his intellect.
Under the direct influence of the lunar star, cancer is naturally a sensitive and emotional sign. But this is notCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
18.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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Ruled by the Sun, the queen planet, the lion needs to rule over all his little world. What he likes is feeling like he's in charge and in charge. He enjoys governing and having his “little people” around him. But that does not make the lion a proud and heartless individual, quite the contrary.
If he acts like that, it is because there is actually a good reason, which only few people really know: the lionCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
21.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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The sixth sign of the zodiac is one of the nicest and most enjoyable. These people are generally jovial, always in a good mood and full of life. They are typically the ones who set the mood in a slightly gloomy evening, who bring back a smile after only a few exchanges or who throw up crazy ideas to liven up the day. They are cheerfulness and the joy of living itself.
But behind this seemingly simplistic chaCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
24.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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Libra has always been one of the most complex signs in the zodiac. Seemingly simplistic, he actually hides a personality that is often tormented and full of roughness. To understand a scale, you have to search, dig, scrape the varnish under the surface: you will then discover a hidden treasure.
This sign is constantly in search of serenity. He devotes his whole life to seeking the right balance, inner peace,Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
26.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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Ruled by Mars, the planet of war and combativity, but also by Pluto, the star of change, the scorpion is a warrior full of energy, go-getter, who likes to get to the bottom of things. He appreciates to understand for himself what is the interest of such action and its importance. He's not a good little soldier who can just be given orders to carry them out without complaining or asking questions. This sign likes to tCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
30.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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Jupiter is the planet that rules Sagittarius, which is why this sign does not like constraints, constraints or limits. His freedom to act and think is one of the most important things in his life. He doesn't like being restrained or dictated to him. This is not linked to a problem with authority or hierarchy: it results from real convictions and the deep need to decide on one's way of life, far from the standards impCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
02.11.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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The tenth sign of the zodiac is ruled by the planet Saturn, to which it owes its prudence and great capacity for reflection. This is because the Capricorn is thoughtful and likes to weigh the pros and cons before making impulsive decisions that they might later regret. His moderate temper often makes him seem older than he really is. He is lucid and is always guided by reason.
This is also why he is very undCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
05.11.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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Eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus which makes this sign very independent. This is one of the main traits of Aquarius, they don't like being led or directed. He has confidence in himself, in his instincts, in his actions and prefers to make his decisions alone, freely, in his soul and conscience.
This also goes hand in hand with the fact that he is quite individualistic: onlyCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation
08.11.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
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Ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, what really characterizes the fish is its great empathy. He puts himself in the shoes of others to understand their way of thinking and acting. A real sponge, he absorbs all the emotions of others, maybe even sometimes a little too much ... This sometimes plays tricks on him because he has a tendency to over-react, to live too intensely the emotions of those close to him and to care moreCall or WhatsApp +91 9810269584 for Free Astrological Remedies and Consultation