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Moon in Astrology
23.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
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Main attribute of the Anima , the Moon represents the woman , the mother , it symbolizes fertility, fecundity , receptivity, inspiration, intuitiveness, emotions; it refers to organic biological forms and takes care of them… It is versatility , but adaptability , compromise, dialogue, including through symbolism or other forms of abstract communication.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
The Moon is the star of the night , both the relay and the complementarity of the Sun. But it is changing, hides, grows and shrinks during its course in the sky…Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
For these reasons, the Moon has always been considered mysterious , it is our part of dream , unconscious , imagination , sensitivity …
It animates our interior experience, it is “the image of oneself”, our psyche , sometimes until revealing our anxieties , our anguishes and our doubts.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
The Moon makes the link from the unconscious to the conscious , it connects our deep, intimate and abstract subjective aspirations, coming from our imagination, to their effective concrete realizations in our daily objective experiences.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
The Moon actually forms a mirror of reaction to the solar forces, the Sun sends its tsunami of energy vibrations, and the Moon receives them, welcomes them, feels them and reacts to them, it vibrates from this reception and transforms them into purposes of translating them into matter: the Moon is above all a principle of emotional reaction , it does not directly initiate things but responds to them in a “lower” vibratory mode.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
The Moon is a planet of Individuation like Mercury and Venus , the inner planets of Earth's orbit. It synthesizes the mind of Mercury and the feelings of Venus into a tangible and achievable emotional thought. It has a function both of adaptation of the mind to the environment and of conservatism of heredity and traditions of the clan, culture, country...Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
The soli-lunar cycle describes all the phenomena of growth , it describes the evolution of the terrestrial experience, the ripening of the Individuation then the overcoming of the ego in the culmination of the personality.
With the phases of the Moon its possible interpretations evolve, from extroversion in waxing Moon , to introversion in waning Moon .
The lunar cycle , because of its speed, gives rhythm to daily life, the Moon enriches us in our subjective experiences of each day, it tellsour behavior in the face of daily adversities and accompanies us at all times.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
A good dialogue between the Moon and the Sun is an imperative of human balance. If the Sun is the Spirit, the Moon is more the Soul, while the Ascendant represents the displayed Personality.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
The Moon in signs indicates the archetype of consciousness that will develop its type of sensitivity necessary for your experience throughout your life. It will determine the way you express yourself with your loved ones in the intimacy of daily life, a part of your intimate behavior , it represents the sign of the zodiac that we generally manage to express spontaneously, easily.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
Your Moon in houses in your Natal chart indicates your refuge , the security you seek, by extension the home where you recharge your batteries, an area of fragility and sensitivity , where you best exercise your intuition, where your unconscious is most receptive , at the risk of a certain versatility…
By extension, in the theme it is also the type of childhood of the native, maternal love and attachment to the mother, and/or the elder sister…Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
In Aspect and in transits (see Moon in transit ), the Moon directly impacts the ego , daily life and common well-being, the Moon coloring the expectations of the native, punctuating the beginning and the completion of projects according to the Houses and its revolutions (all Lunation , New Moon , Full Moon , etc).Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
The analysis of the Lunar Revolution (on the same model as the Lunar RevolutionSolar) also makes it possible to follow daily life directly, over 28 days: the significant development of a business, an intimate or professional relationship, from day to day, we can determine an atmosphere, dates.
The Moon needs structuring from the other planets, because otherwise it can slip into its face of hyperemotivity, moody and anxious.
The Moon and the Sun are important in determining health, vitality, individuality…
The Moon , by its location in the astrological solar system , naturally links the functions of the individual planets ( Sun , Mercury ,Venus ) to the collective planets ( Mars to a certain extent, and especially Jupiter then Saturn ) by making a kind of “direct relay” .
The Moon by allying itself with the other Planets brings them a downside , at least the lunar influence is subordinated to them.
In the natal chart of a woman , the Moon is very important, it informs about her femininity , her condition as a woman in general, as well as her relationship to motherhood.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
In the birth chart of a man , the Moon indicates not only his potential sensitivity , but also the type of woman towards whom he is attracted in Projections , his feminine ideal , his solar complementarity, the wife who will be able to satisfy him through marriage. in particular, and reassure him.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
Depending on whether the Moon is strong or weak in the chart will therefore impact differently in the male and female chart.Article Last Updated on - 15.01.2025
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