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Lunar Nodes in Astrology
10.11.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
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Astronomically the Lunar Nodes are the points of intersection between the lunar orbit and the plane of the earth's ecliptic (in the relation of the planet earth to the Sun the ecliptic plane gives the direction of the earth's orbit). The north node and the south node are therefore permanently in Opposition . They have no concrete physical reality like a planet, they are fictitious points .
Eclipses correspond to conjunctions at Lunar Nodes for example:
lunar eclipse, conjunction north node to the Sun , Opposition Moon
solar eclipse, south node conjunction and new Moon ( Sun/Moon conjunction )
See: Lunar Nodes on Wikipedia
As we have seen astronomically, the Lunar Nodes are directly consecutive to the Soli-lunar relationship ( Sun / Moon ).
Astrologically, the nodes form in a way the synthesis of the Sun (the goal to be achieved) and the Moon (hereditary memory), this meaning encompassing the 2 luminaries allows a spontaneous angle of lighting on the theme studied before any more in-depth analysis (see in particular The nodes of the Moon Keys to the astrological interpretation of Jacques Atalane).
The very definition of the word “knot” is interesting: “Tight intersection of a flexible object” .
We immediately visualize the “marine knots” or the famous inextricable “Gordian knot” which can only be cut and never untied…
By extension, when “ something is tied ” connections are established, the embrace thickens … but the knot is also a source of creation, such as the “sinus knot” of the heart or the knot of a tree branch giving buds…
In my opinion, to properly understand and therefore interpret the Lunar Nodes , we must beware of any Manichaeism by seeking at all costs to classify one or the other as "negative" or "positive" , they must be analyzed as a “neutral axis” ( but giving a direction ), a duality both opposite and complementary, but of changing polarity , ie varying during life and according to Aspects , being able to amplify things in “magnifying effect” .
Western astrology relates the Lunar Nodes to the karmic aspect (past lives and reincarnation), the southern lunar node (rather “negative” ) representing the past -in the sense of past lives- from which one must practice a certain detachment in order to tend towards the northern lunar node (rather “positive” ) representing the fundamental goal of this incarnation , an ideal to be achieved.
The axis of the Lunar Nodes remains directly correlated with the Black Moon and the full realization of the Sunthrough the expression of its sign, one must never omit this fundamental fact.
This can be a fairly good summary of the interpretation of the Lunar Nodes although too reductive.
In the study of the Lunar Nodes , it is interesting to look at Indian Vedic astrology which gives them great importance but gives them an attribution partly inverse to traditional Western astrology:
Rahu , the northern lunar node said, the “head of the Dragon” , is reputed to be rather “evil” .
Ketu , the southern lunar node said, the "tail of the Dragon" , is deemed rather "beneficial" .
What may seem like a contradiction between the 2 astrologies at first sight finds its source in the deep philosophies of the 2 civilizations.
The “karmic passive” of the southern lunar node can constitute a wealth on which to rely to purge one 's Karma , to become aware of the illusion and to detach oneself from it in order to evolve...
While the northern lunar node constitutes a risk of accumulation of new additional karma by frequent successive upheavals, a karma that will therefore have to be “eliminated” later…
As mentioned above, we must always keep in mind with the Lunar Nodes that we analyze an axis giving a direction , not just 1 of the 2 nodes (which makes no sense).Article Last Updated on - 21.01.2025
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