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Jupiter in Astrology
04.11.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
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Attached signs , domiciles: Sagittarius and Pisces
Attached houses : House 9 and House 12
Exaltation: Leo (or Cancer for some astrologers)
Exile: Gemini and Virgo
Fall: Capricorn
See Mastery of Planets.
Element: Air (warm and humid)
Polarity: Masculine Yang
Harmonic or complementary planets (excluding Aspects ):
Mercury – Saturn
Duration of the cycle: approximately 12 years
The aspect symbolizing it: Trine
Age of life corresponding: 60 to 70 years
Physiology: liver, blood, arteries, thighs
Jupiter spends about 1 year per sign.
Jupiter retrogrades approximately 121 days per year.
Planet Jupiter
Jupiter is the largest, most voluminous and massive planet in the solar system, a gas giant.
Its mass is 2.5 times greater than all the other planets combined, it has a diameter 11 times greater than the Earth .
This immense mass had a great gravitational influence on the entire formation of the Solar System by shaping it.
Even today, Jupiter acts as a real “gravitational well” attracting comets in frequent impacts, the planet is nicknamed “the vacuum cleaner of the solar system” . Jupiterhas the strongest magnetic field in the solar system, 14 times stronger than Earth 's .
Jupiter is a kind of mini-sun inside the solar system… its immense mass creates a gravitational effect which has managed to capture many moons (67 known including the 4 Galilean moons some as big as Mercury ) and several asteroids.
The planet Jupiter radiates more energy than it receives from the Sun itself . It produces an amount of internal heat almost greater than that captured by the Sun.
Jupiter has often been called a "failed sun" , but it is still far from our Sun it would take dozens of times its current mass to start starting a form of atomic hydrogen fusion.
Composed of hydrogen and helium - like the Sun -, violent winds of nearly 600 km/h cross its surface. Its “great red spot” is also an anticyclone which could contain 3 planet Earths … The reasons for Jupiter
's color are still mysterious, but the clouds vary in color and width over time. It is assumed that this planet has a dense and massive core equivalent to 12 times the mass of Earth. It is speculated that Jupiter has no solid surface but it could contain a rocky core.
Jupiter is social expansion , both in its material and socio-professional aspect , and in its spiritual aspect .
Jupiter is the sociability in relation to the collective entity, the social integration in the group and the mutual cooperation that results from it, the process of maturation of the individual, the maturity , the magnetism and the charisma within the community.
Jupiter is a phase of growth , it is success and fulfillment which concludes the phase of desire, affirmation and struggle of Mars , it is material comfort , wealth , honors , enlightenment, the social advent …
Jupiter sits on Mercury 's intelligence and relational bases to build its integration into the community and pursue the fulfillment of the primordial solar force .
First slow -or heavy- planet coming after the “individual” fast planets , it is called “social” and “collective” , it is nicknamed in traditional astrology the “great beneficial” , as it is synonymous with success, harvest, protection and luck (and Venus the “little beneficial” ).
But there is also the excessive side of Jupiter , its "always more" side , the exaggeration, Jupiter is the exponential curve , which at best produces extravagance and self- satisfaction due to the harvests of its wondrous constant profits, and at worst leads to a headlong rush, to disorder, to uncontrolled proliferation , to eccentricity, to megalomania and finally to anarchy… At this stage, Jupiter fundamentally needs the limits and restrictions that he will soon find with Saturn .
Small digression: Our current consumer society is in this case. It is fully the reflection of a Jupiter that refuses to have limits imposed on itself: the desire for perpetual economic growth, depletion of natural resources without concern for long-term management that ensues, galloping exponential demographic expansion...
The next phase of evolution of our societies will be to integrate the function of Saturn , willingly or by force, it is the logic of the cycles of nature...
Jupiter is morality , law , and justice , in the sense of the principles which order society and hold it together against chaos, these principles drawing their meaning directly from mysticism and religion (our current Law is nothing less than an accumulation of revamped religious moral principles).
Jupiter can be sublimated, it corresponds to the beginnings of the transpersonal planets ( Uranus , Neptune , Pluto ), of non-duality, of the return to absolute unity. In this sense it is expansion of consciousness , metaphysical questioning, maturation of the religious process (of“religare” , to connect the social) and it can here help during a Depression . This planet can help transcend social consciousness into absolute consciousness . It is the “sublimatio” of the alchemical process with Uranus .
In a Birth chart , Jupiter has a great importance as much on the character (even more for the personalities Sagittarius and Pisces ) than to inform on the insertion in the society .
It potentially indicates his type of studies , his pedagogical faculties , or clues about the profession as well as various activities to be carried out in society .
Jupiter in signs amplifies the energy of the archetype of sign consciousness, which he then makes available to the collective , he imprints the social attitude of the personality of the native.
As in the astronomical sense mentioned above,also in the astrological sense Jupiter is a mini-sun, a second Sun , more material , less absolute, which guides social achievement .
Jupiter in houses will indicate the sector of activity where the collective is valued, where luck smiles , where sharing, generosity and benevolence are most effective. It is a sector of the sky, a place of good omens , abundance, fulfillment, optimism, altruism...
In Aspect and in transits (see Jupiter in transit ), Jupiter has a "magnifying effect" , the energies and functions concerned are magnified, amplified, sometimes even distorted to the extreme...
's transits punctuate socio- professional hazards and sign progress and the social and collective failures of integration into the native's society (progress officially and unofficially, sometimes also with problems of law or justice).
Its 12-year cycle must be monitored (in particular the first ascending Square, Opposition , descending Square , etc.) its return to the native Sun often signals a period of harvest or at least of individual, material and/or spiritual expansion (at 12 years, then 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96…)
The increasing Square intervening at 3 years old, the Opposition at 6 years old, the decreasing Square at 9 years old, then the Conjunction at 12 years old…
Jupiter retrograde tends to express itself in the colors of its second ruling sign, Pisces .
Jupiter retrograde in Natal Chart can mean an emphasis on inner, psychological and philosophical success (inner wholeness), humility , introversion (more individualistic), an internalization of the functions of sociability (less materially generous, less flippant, but more pedagogue in the sharing of knowledge), a strength of character , can also be a difficulty of cooperation, a delay in growth or expansion, material problems (less conservative from all points of view), learning difficulties...
Monitor his recovery walks straight forward.
However, as a slow planet, theDemotation to Natal chart is less significant.
In transit, his Demotion of about 4 months per year marks a period of social internalization in general, a stoppage of expansion, a socio-professional break , a withdrawal, even a marginalization . Introversion can be psychological and emotional.
Ideal period for the philosophical quest, a revelation, work on oneself, creative inspiration, preparation for future projects, reassessment of one's environment and social values.
On the other hand, period of delay for business, travel, justice.
Do not forget that astronomically, the retrograde arc of the outer planetscorresponds to an Opposition to the Sun (tension with our will), Jupiter being therefore closest to the Earth , it is advisable to monitor the development of the loop .
Impact to be determined according to its function in the chart and in the transit, as well as the dominants of the Natal Chart (study Houses concerned, other Aspects and transits, etc.).Article Last Updated on - 20.02.2025
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