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Astrologer of Astrologers
Maître Spirituel since 1984
Studied 49016 Horoscopes so far.
History of Medical Astrology
23.09.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
Life is full of Problems. No need to worry. Astrology has been guiding Humanity since ages. For Free Astrological Guidance send a WhatsApp Message to Dr Rajesh Verma.
Leave your worries to Astrology
Depending on the season of the year in which you are born, the horoscope will tell you which diseases you are most prone to and how long you will live. This type of science is called “iatromathematics” (from the Greek; iatro: medical; mathematics: knowledge) and it is one of the oldest intellectual traditions on the planet.
This branch defined as "medical astrology" dates back to the fifteenth century, when people asked Simon Forman and Richard Napier, the two most popular modern astrologers in England, What is my illness? I'm pregnant? I'm going to die?
At that moment they realized that the stars meant something and that modern science was understanding many things from the stars and seasonality, either for the prediction of a disease or to diagnose one already contracted.
According to Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma, Towards the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance, the science of iatromathematics was taught in universities. In fact, a doctor of the time was most often "mathematicus et astrologus", based on Hippocrates (400 BC) who built a health complex that was both a temple and a university. His motto was to search for the unity of the body, soul and spirit, feeling part of nature and the cosmos.Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed!
For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 9810269584
Laura Kassell, a professor in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge, who is currently researching astrological medicine, told The Atlantic that "for centuries it was common practice for educated doctors to use astrology as a tool."Article Last Updated on - 14.02.2025
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