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Third House in Astrology
07.11.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
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Attached to Gemini , symbolizing "I think"
Axis of studies, intellect, reflection
Mode: Mutable ( Cadent )
Element: Air (relationship, exchange, sociability)
His planet: Mercury
The 3rd House represents your communication , your relational exchanges, the awakening of intelligence, your ability to adapt to your environment , the relationships with your loved ones , with the "Others", with the people you meet on a daily basis (as many your brothers, sisters, neighbors, friends, but also your customers or small flirts), it also represents beyond everything that is “circulation” and “movement”. It is in this house that the first superficial “ Projections ” will be expressed in our relationships.
It can be your discussions like your writings , your publicity, your teaching, all the contacts. It can also be intellectual thought or social thought, practical sense . In short, everything that allows you to evolve more easily in your immediate environment .
House 3 also corresponds to primary and secondary studies, to learning , to the curiosity to learn, to the thirst for knowledge, to the desire to forge links with “Others”, to the thirst for communication.
Finally House 3 is that of small trips or short trips (all transport), in “exchange mode”.
Its general symbolism is directly related to that of the planet Mercury .
In your natal chart, the Sign in House 3 will imprint its character on your personality in these areas related to exchange, in your ways of speaking or writing.
The Planets in House 3 and their Aspects indicate the energies that will come to facilitate or complicate your faculties to convey your messages, and therefore in part your general sociability.
Transits on House 3 of your chart will mean an updating of the values of this house, for example through writing or teaching work, meaningful words exchanged, travel...
Analyze House III :
First look at its opposite house, the 9th House , symbolizing philosophy.
Then look at the Squares : the 6th House , the 12th House ( Cadent Houses , representing adaptability)
Consider the Trines : the 7th House , the 11th House ( Houses of Air , representing sociability)
Analogy Mastery Planets :
Home: Mercury
Fall : -
Exile: Jupiter
Exaltation: –
With House III we are halfway to the hemisphere of introversion, of our secret world, of matter, of inner life.
See Astrological Houses .
Planets in house 3 in natal chart :
Sun in House 3 in the natal chart - Gives the love of change, relational exchanges, writing; the mind, the intellect, learning are important...
Moon in House 3 in the natal chart - There is an emotional / intellect duality in the personality which tends to produce a lot of versatility, an intellectualization of feelings...
Mercury in House 3 in the natal chart - The planet is at the maximum of its mental and intellectual potential in this sector, giving alertness, curiosity, eloquence...
Venus in House 3 in the natal chart - Great social finesse and talent for mediation, conciliation, the planet increases sociability and gives mental abilities linked to the affective...
Mars in House 3 in the natal chart - Can give a certain social aggressiveness, there is liveliness, a strong need for exchange, but also nervousness and latent agitation...
Jupiter in House 3 in the natal chart - Sociability is exacerbated, like learning abilities, the mind is pregnant, very airy, with also more instability and less perseverance...
Saturn in the 3rd house or in Gemini in the natal chart - A position that is partly antagonistic to the Mercurian energies for the planet, bringing it very close to the energies of the sign of Virgo...
Uranus in House 3 or in Gemini in the natal chart - Mental energy is very effervescent, very intuitive, creative, original, but also unstable, chaotic, violent, requiring channeling...
Neptune in House 3 or in Gemini in the natal chart - The spirit can be really quite brilliant with this planetary position, but also more easily unstable and tortured with important psychic problems sometimes...
Pluto in House 3 or in Gemini in the natal chart - The planet brings certain forces of persuasion and social understanding, but it can also crystallize a "violence of the word"...
Black Moon in House 3 or in Gemini in the natal chart - Mental, intellectual and social forces are sensitized here, and different fears or "constraints" can prevent or "restrict" them.
South node in House 3 or in Gemini north node in House 9 or in Sagittarius in natal chart - The challenge of these nodes is to understand a new unit of measurement of the world, to pass from the mental and the intellect, to the intuitive, spiritual, ethereal...
South node in House 9 or in Sagittarius north node in House 3 or in Gemini in natal chart - This axis is reputed to be easier to live with than some others, but this Jupiter / Mercury polarization is not obvious for all that
Chiron in House 3 or in Gemini in natal chart - Social externalizations and learning are sensitized by this position, as well as ties to siblings...
Transits in house 3 :
Transiting Moon in Gemini or the 3rd House - Use this time to review your organization and to make contacts; a need for emotional exchanges can also become more significant...
Sun in transit in House 3 - Period of rather light and dynamic effervescence where vitality can be expressed, a favorable time to create social ties and strengthen one's networks...
Mercury in transit in House 3 or in Gemini - Exacerbation of the mind and communication, good period to develop one's curiosity and learn, to exchange and transmit...
Venus in transit in House 3 or in Gemini - Emotions are tinged here with cerebrality, the need for exchange, conciliation, transmission, useful in particular for developing artistic parts...
Mars in transit in House 3 and in Gemini - The time has come to speak our minds! phase rather of extroversion where intuitions, need to convince and encounters mingle...
Jupiter in transit in House 3 and in Gemini - The planet is comfortable here in this aerial sector, it can work on social development, learning and transmission to the world...Article Last Updated on - 09.01.2025
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