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Seventh House in Astrology
19.11.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
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Attached to Libra , symbolizing “We are”
Axis of personality, of Individuation
Mode: Cardinal (Angular)
Element: Air (relationship, exchange, sociability)
His planet: Venus
The 7th House of the Descendant represents the “ Others ” (as opposed to the “ Me ” of Aries ) and relationships with others (in the sense of confrontation ), associations (everything that is social, mutual and productive above all), all unions, marriage , contracts (in the sense of a mutual commitment with obligations ), social life , worldliness, the notion of team , the relational drive ...
but also declared enemies, forms of open warfare, divorces, breaches of contract, or multiple social frictions. This house signifies as much the real qualities of the “partners” but also what we project onto them, the qualities we attribute to them, what we expect from them.
The 7th House is to be symbolically compared to the astrological aspect of the Opposition as well as to the planet Venus , it is directly the house of Projections .
In psychological astrology , the 7th house indicates the projections of the individual on the outside, the “qualities” that he tends to attribute and look for in his “partners” to better express them in himself.
Some traditional astrology writers call the Descendant cusp the “point of death” as opposed to the vitality of the Ascendant . They also attribute to him the “grandfather”.
The Sign in the 7th House , your Descendant , will determine the character with which you approach the awareness of duality and the struggles with “others” that come with it.
In the natal chart, the Planets in the 7th house and their Aspects will impact and color social life and sociability in general. If this angular house is very strong, it opposes the ego of the ascendant and thwarts it (sometimes too much).
Transits on the 7th House therefore update this opposition as well as any relationship, contract...
like the conflicts that go with it!
Analyze House VII :
First look at his opposite house, House 1 , the ascendant.
Then look at the Squares : the 10th House , the 4th House ( Angular Houses , representing action)
Consider the Trines : the 11th House , the 3rd House ( Houses of Air , representing sociability)
Analogy Mastery Planets :
Home: Venus
Fall: Sun
Exile: March
Exaltation: Saturn
House VII is a hinge house between the individual hemisphere and the collective hemisphere .
With House VII we therefore enter the collective hemisphere of extroversion, of social appearance, of spirituality, and of public life, in short of maturity.
The process of Individuation is completed, the individual must confront society .
See Astrological Houses .
The planets in the 7th house in the natal chart :
Sun in House 7 in the natal chart - Relational harmonization, search for the alter ego, the partner is really perceived as an essential complementarity...
Moon in House 7 in the natal chart - Important valorization of the relational, in particular affective, the emotional part is significant, the fear of loneliness too...
Mercury in House 7 in the natal chart - Sociability, importance of the mind in relationships, especially affective, there is great empathy and an intuitive psychological understanding of the other...
Venus in House 7 in the natal chart - Attraction, magnetism, need for a partner, exacerbated sociability, but risk of superficiality and manipulation...
Mars in House 7 in the natal chart - Relational struggles and emotional intensity, location conducive to projections, passionate and sometimes violent position...
Jupiter in House 7 in the natal chart - Position for the planet which can allow social ease, which underlines the link to one's neighbor and to the partner, but which can scramble the structuring of the ego...
Saturn in the 7th house or in Libra in the natal chart - Here in the house of relational projections, the planet can precisely confront Saturnian energies socially more directly...
Uranus in the 7th house or in Libra in the natal chart - Producing electrical charges, the planet here can confront Uranian energies in different ways...
Neptune in the 7th house or in Libra in the natal chart - This energy can create an important devotion to the emotional partner and to the other, the notion of sacrifice is very present, risking creating a "victim / savior" pattern...
Pluto in the 7th house or in Libra in the natal chart - The planet underlines here the transforming power of the bond with the other, in particular with the emotional partner, which can become an important catalyst of personal evolution.
Black Moon in House 7 or in Libra in the natal chart - It is particularly necessary to monitor its different relations with this position, unions, associations, collaborations, because a lot happens through them...
South node in House 1 or in Aries north node in House 7 or in Libra in natal chart - Emphasizing here the axis of personality and individuation, these Lunar Nodes require an opening of Self to go towards Others, the affective, relational...
South node in House 7 or in Libra north node in House 1 or in Aries in natal chart - There is an important work to be done on trust, a need for balancing to be carried out to counterbalance certain fears, wounds or introversions. .
Transits in house 7 :
Moon in transit in Libra or House 7 - This period speaks of relationships, sociability, exchanges and contacts, especially emotional, but beyond in life in society...
Sun in transit in House 7 - Highlighting the partner and the relational, this Sun can be the occasion for more objectivity, for an awareness...
Mercury in transit in House 7 or in Libra - The period highlights relational and social "qualities", they imply a relationship with others, especially with an emotional partner...
Venus in transit in House 7 or in Libra - Asset of seduction, mediation, conciliation, which can be very important and useful during the period, Venusian forces maximized...
Mars in transit in House 7 or in Libra - A not obvious angular position, where the Martian energies are in exile and can sign various relational confrontations...Article Last Updated on - 14.02.2025
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