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First House in Astrology
31.10.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
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The house of the Ascendant
Everything present in the 1st House:
The house influences the way people will interact when they are out of society. The planets and the signs that reside there have a lot to say about how the natives see the world, but also about how others perceive them, which means that this is a place that deals a lot with self-image. Beyond that, the first house determines whether the natives will be more emotional, intuitive, or logical, not to mention that it also reveals their expectations and how the world treats them.
The first element of this house is the Rising sign, one of the most important protagonists of the birth chart, which means that this section is very important for the natives. Signs gathered here but not ascending do not have the same power as the Rising sign, but planets in the vicinity of the ascendant appear to be more important than those far away.
Planets belonging to the 12 th house located a few degrees from the 1st House are usually considered to belong to the last house mentioned. The environment is very important when it comes to this house and the Rising sign because these two astrological elements tell a great story about a person's environment.
For example, the rising twins of Gemini can be very communicative with their parents from an early age. On the other hand, people on the rise in Cancer were probably feeding on young children, while people on the rise in Libra have probably struggled to make peace wherever they went.
The special role in the family is largely determined by the dynamics of the first home. All the planets gathered here and the ascending sign reveal what qualities should have been fostered from an early age, in a person's life.
More than that, the 1st House is strongly related to the most influential personality traits of the natives and the way these people deal with personal issues.
Studying the 1st at home, many can determine how they reacted to their environment when they were children, so it is recommended that they act like adults, especially when it comes to a similar environment.
Everyone should remember that the ascendant is in fact the mask that people wear when dealing with other people, but it is a very precise mask.
Therefore, there is nothing false or false in the first house of a birth letter or in relation to the ascendant because these elements do nothing more than establish the identity of the individuals.
The ascendant should not be seen as a disguise that hides true personality traits because this sign and the first house are the most important in terms of the path taken to life and the qualities that the sign of the Sun brings.
In fact, the Sun seems to reveal things about destiny, while the rising represents the direction people are supposed to take.
The 1st House presents many issues that can help children become strong and expressive adults, so everything that resides here should be explored and studied.
Negative and positive attributes revealed by the 1st House makes people more aware of their potential and the most present obstacles in their path to success.
The rising Aries natives have probably learned from a very young age that the only way forward in life is to be demanding. However, this may contradict the opinion of your Sun sign, not to mention that of other locations in your chart.
Therefore, people with increasing arias should focus on being more independent and open to learning rather than applying force.
The 1st house is closely related to childhood and all the experiences that can help people identify. If there are difficult aspects, obstacles can be encountered when they are very young, such as problems with their parents, poor self-image, and difficulty dealing with others.
A dark childhood can make life very difficult for a person by giving it a very difficult start. On the other hand, favorable aspects of the 1st House can build an incredible foundation for success.
All the traffic that occurs here will determine that there will be many changes in your self-image, while at the same time having a great impact on a personal level.
People’s personalities can change according to the energies present here, as in the example of childhood illness, a situation that can change the whole game for any individual.
The 1st House seems to influence how natives go after what they dream of in life, helping them focus on their special talents, even if it sometimes seems to prevent opportunities from being revealed.
A birth chart with many planets in the first house
The unique qualities that people possess are known by the public as a personality. The 1st House deals with individualistic approaches to life, which means that it sums up the whole being of individuals.
Therefore, this house is about the package or the person presented to others, also about the physicality and appearance, especially when it comes to the head area.
Those who have the birth sign in the 1st House will constantly struggle to look amazing, not because they are selfish, but because that is what makes them feel so good.
It’s as if the kids are doing things without thinking about others, but nothing on purpose or with bad intentions. Just as children try to learn and improve, the natives with the Sun sign in the first house fight to always look good.
Unfortunately, as life goes on, adults tend to forget what happiness is because they get caught up in a routine and no longer have time to try new things.
It is suggested that these people become children again and accumulate more knowledge to improve and learn new skills, enjoy their hobbies and even pamper themselves.
One important thing to mention about 1 c The house is that it affects people on a personal level more than any other element of astrology, which means that it can provoke strong emotions and can teach anyone to learn from their environment.What to remember about the 1st House
The 1st House is about the individuality of human beings, their way of seeing, their personality, their dreams and strategies for success. Therefore, it is the home of the ego and naturalness, the section that reveals how natives present themselves to society, what energy they can have and what they secretly desire.
When studied in conjunction with the 6 th home, the first begins to reveal many details about a person's health and energy levels.
Those interested in the important cycles of their life should always study their 1 c home, even if it is very difficult to read because it is the most personal.
This is the house that makes people unique, determined and strong, which explains why it is also called the house of the self. Its cusp represents where the ascendant resides, being this one the ascending sign present in the East when a person has been born.
Looking at the 1st House from the perspective of the sunrise, it can be said that this is where new beginnings for the natives take place.
The journey through the planets of the first house could make anyone discover themselves. Therefore, those who wonder who they really are, what they will be like and how they will achieve success, should study their own potential by analyzing the dynamics of the 1. c house.
Being unique is an immense contribution to society as a whole, so individuality is 1st House provokes is very important for any native. This is also the home of early childhood, the period between the first steps of life and also the first opinion that a person has had.
Everything related to development and visualizations starts here, which means the 1st House indicates what people become every day that passes, both inside and out.
It is the home of the personality presented to the outside world, of the most important traits possessed by the natives, their approach to problems and different sensibilities. In addition, both the body and the interior are represented by the 1st House.
Attached to Aries , symbolizing “I am”
Axis of personality, of Individuation
Mode: Cardinal (Angular)
Element: Fire (the philosophy of life)
His planet: Mars
The 1st House of the Ascendant is your Personality , it corresponds to your displayed character, what people perceive of you, the social veneer that you let appear, your appearance (part of your heredity with the 4th House ), your temperament turned outward, your daily active vitality (see Ascendant Complex for more details and the difference with the Sun ).
It is your ego , your individuality, the deep individualism, in the process of Individuation it is the “ Me ” which is built in opposition to the “ Others ” (represented by the House 7 attached to Libra ), the consciousness of oneself as a separate entity…
The Sign in House 1 is therefore considered your Ascendant , it colors your personality with the corresponding archetype of consciousness.
In contrast, your Sun sign indicates your will, your "deep Self" , your "deep vitality" , your free will , in short your ideal to be achieved throughout your life , for believers it is the archetype of consciousness. from the soul , what you radiate once the surface layers are removed…
To fully understand the difference, the part of your personality that bends to social conventions and evolves in all the “social theater” is managed by your Ascendant ; the part of your personality that is independent of all social or other considerations and that imprints your deep values on you is managed by your Sun sign .
The Ascendant and the Sun sign will therefore nuance each other according to the evolution of the personality of the native.
The harmony or dissonance between Ascendant and Sun sign is interesting to study in a natal chartbecause it gives clues to interpret certain situations.
The 1st House and the 10th House are key to understanding character and getting an idea of destiny.
The Ascendant can indicate the atmosphere surrounding the birth (as well as the grandmother), the archetype coloring the beginning of life, it informs about the state of the mother and the mother-child relationship during this period of the first days.
The Planets in House 1 and their Aspects will tint the personality of the native with their energies, this angular location in a natal chart is very important.
House 1 is to be symbolically brought closer to the astrological aspect of the Conjunction as well as to the planet Mars .
Transits on House 1 directly activate your individuality, your self-esteem, your egocentrism, your dynamism, and consequently your moods.
Analyze House I :
First look at his opposite house, the 7th House , the Descendant symbolizing the Others.
Then look at the Squares : the 4th House , the 10th House ( Angular Houses , representing action)
Consider the Trines : the 5th House , the 9th House ( Houses of Fire , representing the philosophy of life)
Analogy Mastery Planets :
Home: Mars?
Fall: Saturn
Exile: Venus
Exalted: Sun
With House I we enter the hemisphere of introversion, of our secret world, of matter, of inner life.
Planets in house 1 in natal chart :
Sun in House 1 in the natal chart - Overriding importance of individuality and affirmation of personality in incarnation, charisma, self-confidence...
Moon in House 1 in the natal chart - Directly influencing the expression of the personality, this Moon gives sensitivity, receptivity, intuition, gentleness...
Mercury in House 1 in the natal chart - This position indicates a mental germ developed in the personality, but it will be necessary to look at the rest of the chart and the possible dissonances...
Venus in House 1 in the natal chart - This position promotes beauty, the magnetic and seductive aspect of the personality, it gives a lot of charm but can also lead to passivity...
Mars in House 1 in the natal chart - Very dominant position from birth imparting strong energy, nervousness, a certain violence of ego affirmation...
Jupiter in House 1 in the natal chart - The personality here tends to take on the traits of Sagittarius optimism, sympathy, openness to the world and the quest for fundamental meaning...
Saturn in House 1 or in Aries in the natal chart - Serious, rigorous, reserved, even cold personality, often very mature before age, tinged a lot with Capricorn...
Uranus in House 1 or in Aries in the natal chart - Strong exacerbation of the affirmation of the personality with this important angular position giving "Aquarius" tones to the native...
Neptune in House 1 or in Aries in the natal chart - Transcendent magnetism, attraction for the mystical and supernatural part of life, heightened sensitivity and receptivity, gifts for art...
Pluto in House 1 or in Aries in the natal chart - Magnetism, charisma, intensity, depth of spirit, animated by a certain darkness, violence, coldness, on the part of destruction...
Black Moon in House 1 or in Aries in the natal chart - This position directly marks the structuring of the ego, the personality, the Martian energies, which can require different forms of overcompensation
South node in House 1 or in Aries north node in House 7 or in Libra in natal chart - Emphasizing here the axis of personality and individuation, these Lunar Nodes require an opening of Self to go towards Others, the affective, relational...
South node in House 7 or in Libra north node in House 1 or in Aries in natal chart - There is an important work to be done on trust, a need for balancing to be carried out to counterbalance certain fears, wounds or introversions. .
Chiron in House 1 or in Aries in natal chart - Injury linked to the expression of Fire , excess or deficiencies, this resurfaces on personal confidence, assertiveness skills...
Transits in house 1 :
Moon in transit in Aries or House 1 - The energy of the Moon here gives the powerful impulse of change for a new cycle, receptive and sensitive period, very energetic...
Sun in transit in House 1 - The Sun highlights during this transit the development of the personality, the vitality, the radiation, conducive to new projects...
Mercury in transit in House 1 or in Aries - Exacerbated mental and intellect, personal issues take center stage, self-fulfillment is important...
Venus in transit in House 1 or in Aries - Seduction, magnetism, gentleness, greater openness of the personality, sociability, sensitivity, receptivity, need for tranquility...
Mars in transit in House 1 or in Aries - Assertiveness, renewed energy and creativity, the risks of anger and conflict, or "inflammation", are present...
Jupiter in transit in House 1 or in Aries - Personal and social expansion, period of development, optimism, faith, vector of a collective dynamic...Article Last Updated on - 19.02.2025
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