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Duality and Complementarity of Houses
13.12.2011 - By Dr Rajesh Verma
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The opposing Houses are in a relationship of duality and complementarity (aspect of the Opposition ), a division based on the 2 creating 2 hemispheres:
House I / House VII :
the axis of personality, of Individuation
Here are born the social confrontation and the capacities of discrimination which make it possible to build oneself individually, one understands better what one is oneself by defining from the very young age more finely what is “other”, then by extension one is able also later on in adulthood to seek shares of complementarity in one's affective partner.
House II / House VIII :
the axis of possessions
Here are born the functions of attachment and detachment deriving from our different senses (what attracts us / repels us), all our sense of valuations, our need to belong, but also the fears of losses which can later lead to renunciations, letting go, to transpersonal sublimations (notions of stripping, questioning the deep meaning of our values).
House III / House IX :
the axis of studies, intellect, reflection
Here are born the openness to one's environment but also mental and social questioning, the needs for exchanges and interaction, but also transmission of all that will be understood, there is a function of transmission and reception, a need both to absorb what others send, a function of “personal sorting” on what should be kept there inside, then also of perpetuation of its own concepts, diagrams and philosophies of life, generally as one advances in age.
House IV / House X :
the axis of incarnation, of the fulfillment of life
Here are born the fundamental anchoring, the hyphen between what one has inherited and received from one's clan, all the basics that formed us personally, and what we will in turn be able to bring socially to others through our "social function", a notion that is much broader than "work" which fundamentally joins the fulfillment of our deep destiny, the radiance that we want to radiate on others.
House V / House XI :
the axis of projects, of the ego, of the duality “I love / I am loved”
Here is born the phase of confrontation of individuality with the collective, the time has come to present the different personal qualities in the world and to reap the fruits, recognition, approval, but also the understanding of the need for integration into the collective, the predominant interest that this one can have for the personality, the exchanges reciprocal relationships that can operate, and the strength of social power that can emerge from them.
House VI / House XII :
the axis of health, duties, devotion to others
Here are born the test of reality, both in the need to anchor the personality and the collective in matter, to make face responsibly and altruistically on a daily basis, but also to be able to achieve a spiritualization of life and its incarnation, a putting into perspective of fundamental goals, an understanding of the most Absolute and universal aims of existence...Article Last Updated on - 22.02.2025
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