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Leave your worries to Astrology
First of all I welcome you to my Website. You are definitely in some sort of trouble at present, otherwise you might not have reached here. I assure you that you have reached the right place. I assure you that with all my knowledge, prowess and powers I will try to help you out. Its not a coincidence that you are reading these lines. Your destiny has driven you here. Lets hope for the best.
Astrology or horoscope is a photo of the sky at the exact moment we are born. Based on the analysis of images of the sky, or the position of the planets at the time of birth, astrology can give us an idea of the basic characteristics, preferences, failures and fears of people.
Since the first civilizations, man has always sought in the signs of the sky for clear answers to the questions he asks himself. It is from this quest that ASTROLOGY was born, which made it possible to understand that the movements of the stars (also Planets) had an impact on life on Earth.
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
Astrology has Solutions for EVERY PROBLEM under the Sun, eg.:
Physical and Mental Diseases and Disorders
Marital Discord
Obstructions and Ups n Downs in Love Affair
Competitiors making Life Hell
Career Fluctuations
Financial Issues
Other Woman/Man in Love Affair
Obstacles in Education
Problems related to Children
You may contact me For Professional, Personalized, Customized and Tailor-made Paid Astro Consultation. I have been Providing Spiritual Guidance through Astrology, Numerology & Palmistry since 1984. I assure you that All your information will remain secure and confidential. I personally handle all communications.
With the help of Spiritual Remedies, you may:
Get your Love Back
Enjoy Peaceful Married Life
Progress in Business
Shine in a world full of cut-throat competition.
Achieve Career Goals
Get Success in Education
Seek and Get Astrological Guidance when you are in Deep Trouble and all Doors seem to be closed! No need to Visit my city. You may get my Guidance while sitting in the cosy comforts of your home.
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
If you wonder why you, your boyfriend or friend have qualities or ways of being in their character, it is possible that this reading will help you a lot to understand it.
I have summarized for you basic aspects of what astrology is so that this reading will change your perspective on the world of relationships and the energy that every human being lives.
The planets and stars have an enormous influence on us, and we on them too, because energy is bidirectional, we are in constant interaction with the universe. Not just with the solar system . Not just the Sun. Astrology is an ancient pseudo-science, which is based on the study of the location of the stars and the movement of the planets, and what their position in the sky means at a given moment.
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
Astrology is a discipline that studies the position of the stars and their psychological and behavioral influence on the Being. And depending on (exactly) when and where you were born, this impacts your mood, personality, and even milestones throughout your life. Whether you believe in stars or not.
And what is astrology for?
The soul, before incarnating, designs a journey through which it will develop learning experiences that allow it to evolve and expand its consciousness. This is what astrologers study, through a road map, which has been the birth chart.
You get to know yourself, understand your growth potential, the challenges to overcome, the topics that give you great learning, your gifts, talents and your life purpose.
Concepts for Beginners
Astrology is a language that interprets the sky at the precise time and place of your birth. That makes you a unique being in the Universe. Each planet in the sky traverses the solar system, and the zodiac signs are ways of telling the difference between each star constellation (grouping of stars) in the sky. In astrology, you can say you were born on the Full Moon in Cancer, with Mars at 20 degrees Leo and Mercury retrograde in Gemini at 26 degrees, and it tells astrologers where you came from.
What is the Natal chart?
The Natal or Astral card describes the plan of your soul, where you find your essence, way of loving, purpose, preferences, talents, inhibitions, desires, traps and potentials; it is a seed of everything you could be.
Everyone lives the truth of their chart with or without astrology readings, and many people who follow their nose and do what they are called to, will live their chart without ever knowing what is in it.
In a world where parents, friends, the media, and everyone you've encountered have projected their ideals onto you, it's very easy to get lost, especially if you're sensitive! Astrology is powerful because it reminds you of who you are.
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
Knowing your birth chart allows you to understand who you are, the growth potential you bring, affirm your choices, and calm the loud voices that make you feel aimless.
So basically, at the precise moment you were born, a "snapshot" of the sky relative to the Earth is generated. A unique cosmic plane of the sky, which fundamentally refers to you.
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
We have all, at least once, consulted our horoscope. Whether on purpose or by chance while reading a magazine, just to know how the day will go for example. But in fact what is astrology? Astrology is part of our life whether we like it or not. Some approach it with skepticism or received ideas: All rams are go-getters or cancers are extremely sensitive…. But it is not that simple. Astrology is a complex tool. Astrology is not limited to the horoscope.
According to Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma, Astrology is a divine and occult tool for life guidance and help homo sapiens cope with present situations using the ancient wisdom. The very aim and objective of Astrology is to help you to succeed, prosper, be happy and live harmoniously with people, society and the cosmic environment. In atrology we find, judge and analyse the earthly and non-earthly obstacles on the path to peace, prosperity and progress of a person by studying his or her Birth-chart or Horoscope aka Janam Kundli and sometimes Numeroscope.
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
An object of fascination, the sky is the ultimate allegory of dreams. Stargazing has long been associated with a frivolous and childish pastime. However, the planets and stars appearing there are not unrelated to the fate of living beings! The practice of astrology aims to read our individual and collective destiny in the stars. The word, from the Greek "astrom" (star) and logos (language), means "language of the stars".
According to Jung, the sky is the great book of the soul. The position of the stars at our birth determines our personality in advance. Astrology aims at first to become aware of your astral chart, your solar houses. Knowing this information will allow you to make the right life choices, because even in astrology, all your destiny is not written in advance!
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
According to Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma, For centuries, human beings have looked to the sky for guidance and for purpose in their lives and it is precisely because they provide answers that horoscopes remain an inexhaustible source of self-knowledge and a vast journey into the mysteries of the universe. Derived from the Greek, HOROSCOPE means "observation of time" and would have appeared around the 5th century BC, first under the influence of the Mesopotamians. Since then, the habit of consulting star-based forecasts has steadily gained ground with more and more followers around the world.
Seek Astrological Guidance when You are in Deep Troubles and all Doors seem to be closed! For Fast Relief in Life Problems, immediately Contact Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma. Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422
According to Astrologer Dr Rajesh Verma, If you want to learn more about astrology, planets - sun, moon, mars, mercury, lunar nodes etc and horoscopes in general, you've come to the right place. We hope you find all the answers to your questions. If you really want to delve deeper into the subject or are looking for something very specific, donot hesitate to contact me.
Article Last Updated on - 05.03.2025
Call or WhatsApp +91 7678626422 for Astrological Remedies and Consultation